Iran blames the US for impairing the Astana Process
Iran's Foreign Ministry accused the United States of compromising the Astana peace process between Iran, Turkey and Russia in an official statement on Feb. 28. The statement also claimed that the U.S. "has always sought to create tensions in the region in an irresponsible manner" and that it justifies its presence in Syria with its interest in their oil resources.
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The United States impaired the Astana Peace Process between Iran, Russia and Turkey, and aims to destabilize the region, Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Feb. 28 in an official statement.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the measures taken by the third parties to impair the (Astana) Process, particularly by the United States of America," said the statement about the negotiations for peace in Syria.
The statement further said that the U.S. "has always sought to create tensions in the region in an irresponsible manner" and is abusing Syria for their oil resources.

"[The U.S.] has also announced that it is present in Syria for the purpose of plundering that country’s oil resources," the statement said, possibly referring to U.S. President Donald Trump's gaff in November 2019 in which he said the U.S. was in Syria "only for oil," contradicting his own advisers.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had said on Feb. 17 that the United States wasn't "after war since they know what harm it could do them.”
Iran will continue its efforts to moderate the situation in Idlib, the statement noted, and it will work to convene a meeting in the country as decided by the Astana Process leaders, namely Rouhani, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
"Iran reaffirms that it will continue the efforts to convene the meeting at the current delicate situation."