Turkish ministry names gym after coup attempt 'martyr,' fails to invite man's mother
Turkey's Youth and Sports Ministry named a gym center after a young man who died during the 2016 coup attempt, but failed to invite his mother to the ceremony. Mother Nihal Olçok Mother Nihal Olçok called out Youth and Sports Minister and asked if he realized "Abdullah has a mother."
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Turkey's Youth and Sports Ministry constructed a gym in western Kocaeli in memory of Abdullah Tayyip Olçok who died during the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, but failed to invite Olçok's mother.
The ministry tweeted about the opening on August 12, urging everyone to "come on out!" with a smiley face.
?Abdullah Tayyip Olçok Gençlik ve Spor Merkezimizi Kocaeli / Derince’de hizmete açıyoruz!
— Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı??#GSB (@gencliksporbak) August 12, 2020
Haydi arkadaşlar çıkın çıkın gelin!?
⏰Bugün • 13.30 pic.twitter.com/Di1RlLxlIy
Mother Nihal Olçok called out Youth and Sports Minister Mehmet Kasapoğlu and asked if he realized "Abdullah has a MOTHER."
"What sort of indecency would name a facility after my son but not invite the mother? I know this is above your pay grade but I still expected an invitation," the mother said, also tagging President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in her tweet as well.
Sayın @kasapoglu , Abdullah’ın ANNESİ var biliyorsunuz değil mi? Bu nasıl bir nezaketsizliktir ki evladımın isminin verildiği tesisi açılıyor ama anne davet edilmiyor. Gerçi bu sizi aşar biliyorum ama yine de davet bekledim... @RTErdogan https://t.co/3kUBcqbtZF
— Nihal OLÇOK (@NihalOlcok) August 12, 2020
Abdullah and his father Erol Olçok were shot and killed during the July 15, 2016 failed coup attempt.