Turkey's remote education system crashes on second day of school
Turkey's online education system crashed on the morning of the second day of school, although the system was used during make-up classes leading up to schools' reopening. The system displayed a message that read "too crowded," locking out teachers and students alike.

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The Turkish Education Ministry's remote classes system Education Informatics Network (EBA) crashed on the morning of Sept. 22, the second day of school openings following weeks of make-up classes.
The software displayed a message that read "Too Crowded," preventing even teachers from logging in and hindering the course schedule.
Bu fotoğraflar, anne ve babalardan geldi. Tüm uyarılarımıza rağmen, bu sabah da yüzbinlerce öğretmen ve öğrenci sisteme giremedi. Şu an 4. ders işleniyor ama öğrencilerin çoğu ilk 2 dersi izleyemedi bile. Çünkü MEB'in sistemi çalışmıyor. Bakan Selçuk ise donan ekrana bakıyor. pic.twitter.com/YiQnldH6qo
— Barış Yarkadaş (@barisyarkadas) September 22, 2020
"There are hundreds of thousands of teachers and students on EBA right now, which might be why you're having issues. In the meantime, EBA TV is on your TV!" parents reported the system saying, main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) member Barış Yarkadaş said on social media.
"The fourth period is currently ongoing but most kids couldn't follow the first two periods," Yarkadaş added.
Turkish Education Minister Ziya Selçuk had said during a promotion for EBA that Turkey was "building the world's greatest digital education infrastructure."
Meanwhile, non-governmental organizations have been pleading with Ankara to compensate the cost of technological equipment that's required to access EBA, as an inequality in resources has widened the gap between students' success across the country.