Police wound 2 in coup survivors' protest in front of AKP HQ, interior minister backs protesters
Police have wounded two survivors of the July 15, 2016 failed coup attempt during their protest in front of the AKP headquarters in the capital Ankara. Following scenes of police brutality, Minister Soylu invited representatives of the group to the ministry to voice his support to them. "I stand with you as long as I'm alive," Soylu reportedly told the group.
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Police have wounded two survivors of the July 15, 2016 failed coup attempt during their protest in front of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) headquarters in the capital Ankara, as Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu showed support to protesters.
The group, who poured to the streets on the night of the attempted takeover against putschist soldiers upon a call by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and were wounded by coup plotters, staged a protest in front of the AKP headquarters to ask where the money collected for them, which totals 300 million Turkish Liras, was spent, saying that they haven't received the aid promised to them.
Security guards of the building and police sought to prevent protesters from recording scenes of police brutality and battered several of them. Two people were wounded as a result and were taken to a hospital.
An itibariyle 15 Temmuz Gazileri Akp Genel Merkezinin önünde kendileri adına toplanan paraların hesabını soruyor. pic.twitter.com/n2ZVAqwaXY
— Ali Haydar Hakverdi (@ahhakverdi) June 15, 2020
Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Ankara deputy Ali Haydar Hakverdi shared a video of the incident, saying that there is no difference between those wounding protesters and those who don't give the survivors the money collected for them.
The survivors have been staging protests in front of the Family and Social Policies Ministry for a week with the said demand.
Gaziler için topladıkları paraların hesabını vermeyenler ile gaziyi yaralayanların arasında fark var mı? pic.twitter.com/0FJC6aiD4H
— Ali Haydar Hakverdi (@ahhakverdi) June 15, 2020
Following scenes of police brutality, Minister Soylu invited representatives of the group to the ministry to voice his support to them.

"I stand with you as long as I'm alive," Soylu reportedly told the group, adding that he will follow the issue and act as a spokesperson for them.