Using evil eye for protection is against Islam: Turkey's top religious body

Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate said that the evil eye is not in compliance with Muslim principles, because people expect protection from the talisman that they should expect from God. An ancient symbol dating back to prehistoric times, the evil eye is believed to protect the wearer from other's malevolent energy.

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Turkey's Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) said that the use of the evil eye as a protective token is not in compliance with Islamic belief.

An ancient talisman dating back to prehistoric times, the evil eye is a protective symbol against "nazar," the mystical belief in an evil energy that can hurt people as a result of the jealousy of others.

The Diyanet said that expecting protection from the evil eye was a misplacement of hopes and expectations onto a physical object rather than the true source of such protection, God.

"Attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that assign effectiveness to anyone other than Allah have been banned in our religion," the Diyanet said. "Hence, wearing evil eyes and expecting their protection is not permitted."

A common symbol in jewelry and decoration in Turkey, the evil eye is also commonly attached to babies in order to protect them.