Istanbul's 28 districts see more than doubling of COVID-19 cases in past week
Twenty-eight of Istanbul's 39 districts have registered more than 50 percent increase in COVID-19 infections in the past week compared to the average of this month, said Health Minister Fahrettin Koca. “The increase rate is 50-60 percent in 11 districts, 60-70 percent in 10 districts, and 70-80 percent in seven districts,” he told reporters on Oct. 26.
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Istanbul's 28 districts have seen more than a doubling of COVID-19 cases in the past week compared to the average of this month, said Health Minister Fahrettin Koca. There are a total of 39 districts in the megacity.

“The increase rate is 50-60 percent in 11 districts, 60-70 percent in 10 districts, and 70-80 percent in seven districts. One of the reasons of this increase is the loosening of precautions, whereas the other is people returning to Istanbul in high numbers,” Koca said on Oct. 26, following a meeting with Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya and district mayors.
Kocareiterated that the infections in Istanbul comprise 40 percent oftotal cases in Turkey.
The minister said that both the public sector and private sector should encourage for remote-working for employees amid the fight against the virus.
“Unfortunately, we could not continue the success we have shown for a long time,” Koca said. “The point we have reached requires us to be more prescriptive and disciplined.”
The minister also said that providing additional runs to bus, metrobus and tram lines was also discussed at the meeting.
Meanwhile, Turkey registered 2,198 new coronavirus "patients" over the past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry data released on Oct. 26.
The country’s overall tally now stands at 363,999, the ministry said. The virus-related death toll rose by 75 to reach 9,874.
On Twitter, Koca said the number of patients in critical condition and active patients continue to climb.
Bugün tespit edilen 2.198 yeni hasta var. Ağır ve aktif hasta sayısı artmaya devam ediyor. Salgının bölgesel tırmanışını durdurmak için birlikte mücadele etmek zorundayız. Tedbirden daha güçlü bir silahımız bugün için yok. Salgına karşı organize olalım.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) October 26, 2020