Turkish Cyprus Medical Association says disclaimer needed before Sinovac administration

The Turkish Cyprus Medical Association (KKTB) will require recipients of the Sinovac vaccine to sign a disclaimer if the treatment is delivered and put into use before the end of its domestic stage three trials, the chairwoman said. However, the island state still has not received a supply of vaccinations as of Dec. 30.

Nikolaos Stelya / DUVAR

The Turkish Cyprus Medical Association (KKTB) has reservations about the COVID-19 vaccine from Chinese Sinovac, noting that they will only administer doses after having recipients sign disclaimers.

"If the Chinese Sinovac's vaccine is administered before phase three is completed, it's mandatory that recipients are informed that it's still in trials," KKTB Chair Özlem Gürgut said, adding that they have also said this to the Health Ministry.

The KKTB will only approve the use of vaccines approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicine Agency (EMA), Gürgut added. 

As Turkish Cyprus awaits the delivery of vaccines, Greek Cyprus has received a supply from the European Union (EU) and started administrating them to high-risk individuals.